Hello LCI guests
One question we are asked often is “Does the school plan activities?” The answer is, YES! We have Activity Calendars posted in every classroom, and around the school. Some of our activities are held here at LCI Language Center, and other activities are excursions throughout our beautiful city. For example, this week we are having a free pumpkin painting contest at our school. This will give our students the opportunity to practice their conversational skills with their peers and also provides a chance to relax and show off their painting skills! We will be giving out prizes to our 1st, 2nd, and 3rdwinners. (We are also encouraging our students to dress in their costumes for Halloween!)

Another Activity we love to do at LCI, is Awards Day! We like to honor our students for their excellence and dedication to learning English, so we hold an Award Ceremony to recognize the hard work our students put in every day. We also have excursions into the community over the weekends that are led by our teachers. These excursions could be anything from educational to cultural, or even leisure with different prices for each event.

The goal of our activities and excursions is to have our students embrace American Culture and practice the skills they are obtaining to be global citizens and community leaders. The activities are not a requirement but can help our students find their full potential. If you are interested in joining LCI Language Center, but are not sure, please Request Info and our agent will contact you with all the answers to your questions. In the words of John Quincy Adams “try and fail, but don’t fail to try.”

Thank you for reading, and please feel free to leave a comment below!
Written by:
Amy Andrade
Student Service Coordinator
LCI Language Centers