This week was Spirit Week at LCI. We like to have a little fun in the last week of each term as students are taking their final exams. Each day of the week we celebrated the holidays with a fun school activity.

On Monday, we had “Wear an Ugly Christmas Sweater Day”. The students and staff enjoyed showing off their “ugly” Christmas sweaters and drinking hot cocoa as we prepared for final exams.

Then on Tuesday, it was “Grinch Day” where we all wore Grinch attire or green clothing. Students enjoyed the holiday cookies and treats provided by Student Services as we reviewed material for finals.

Wednesday was a special day on campus which was “Wear a Christmas Hat Day”. Student Services surprised the students with their handmade stockings filled with gifts and memories from LCI. Thank you, Student Services for bringing a smile around campus!
Finally on Thursday, students prepared for the Christmas break by taking their finals and wearing their Christmas Pajamas. All enjoyed the activities, community and celebration of the holidays while closing out the year.

We all enjoyed this year while making memories, learning and improving, and are looking forward to a wonderful new year.
Happy Holidays from all the Students, Teachers and Staff at LCI.
We hope your holiday break is special and best wishes in the upcoming year!