A good score on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), IELTS (International English Language Testing System), GRE (Graduate Record Examination) or GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is important if you want to attend university in the US.
As I learned during my experience as an international university student in the USA, scores on these exams partially determine your eligibility to be accepted into an American college and also get some financial help. In addition, a good result on these tests can predict your future success in the university program. For that reason, good test preparation should be seriously considered before applying to American universities.
Taking a test preparation course in the USA is the best way to prepare for the TOEFL, IELTS, GRE or GMAT tests. Besides having a custom-prepared plan by an elite instructor, test prep courses in the USA often offer a tutor with the skills and style to meet your needs, adjustments to match your progress and a collaborative learning environment. Many preparation programs can also offer practice tests and simulated computer testing sessions. And because these test prep courses are located in the USA, you’ll be improving your English skills outside of class at the same time.
Some American language schools offer English courses and test preparation courses especially for international students (such as the Test Preparation Program at LCI). You can come to the USA, improve your language skills and also take the opportunity to prepare yourself for an important English-language exam. A good performance on these standardized tests could open so many other educational opportunities for you in the USA.